Thursday, October 30, 2008

Single Engine Supply for F1

Is it good news or bad for Formula One racing sports for a single engine supplier to all teams? What's the main purpose of Formula One's existance?

For me, as a loyal F1 fan, I really hope it's not going to happen for this. A single engine supplier for all teams is just like another A1 GP series. It's right for Toyota and Ferrari to voiced their concern for the sake of the sports, and to serve its main purpose in F1, is to provide hi-tech gadget and technologies and shares to the world.

No doubt the curernt financial crisis may put some teams into financial difficulties, but if by mean of sacrificing the sports' aim to accomodate another, I think I would have a better idea to cut cost - Stop the Formula 1 races until financial crisis over, and return when economy is turning better.

At least this way F1 fans would still regard it as F1 race rather than 2nd series of A1 GP! If it's going for the single engine supplier solution, I would quit watching F1 for good! No point in watching 20 or so identical cars with similar engines racing for no reason.

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